11 maio 2010


We're like crystal, we break easy
I'm a poor man if you leave me
I'm applauded, then forgotten
It was Summer, now it's Autumn

I don't know what to say

You don't care anyway
I'm a man in a rage
with a girl I betrayed
Here comes love, it's like honey
you can't buy it with money
you're not alone anymore
shock me to the core
you shock me to the core

We're like crystal, it's not easy

With your love you can't beat me
Every man and every woman
(And every woman)
Needs someone
So keep it comin', keep it comin', keep it comin'
keep it comin', keep it comin', keep it comin'

I don't know what to say

you don't care anyway
I'm a man in a rage
with a girl I betrayed
here comes love, it's like honey
you can't buy it with money
you're not alone anymore
shock me to the core
you shock me to the core

                                                         New Order

3 comentários:

Cristiano Contreiras disse...

eu gosto de ler seu blog, muito inteligente e criativo, parabéns pelo conceito.

te sigo!

Cristiano Contreiras disse...

Leo, grato pelo retorno!

estou te lendo aos poucos...

apareça sempre, se puder seja seguidor do meu blog - dai, nao te perco de vista, pode ser?

te linkarei ao meu! abs

Leonardo Peres disse...

Olá Léo!
Valeu pela visita no blog e fico feliz de vc ter gostado.
Seu blog tb é muito bacana e estarei seguindo.
Se der me adicione no msn para trocarmos algumas idéias.

Léo Peres (ao léu)

msn: leonardorperes@hotmail.com

Pouco mais que as outras...: